Dress Code
All clothing must be void of any and all vulgar or explicit material (including, but not limited to anything pertaining to: alcohol, drug use, gangs, weapons, violence, or anything of a sexual nature.
Male campers and staff must not wear sagging pants or jeans. Tank tops must be whole, i.e. no slits cut down the sides.
Female campers must wear shorts that pass the fingertips of the camper when her arms are held down. Tank top straps must be wider than three fingers. All shirts must cover entire midriff.
Swimsuits: one-piece swimsuits for females and shorts for males are required during aquatic activities.
Cell Phone & Camera Policy
In accordance with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Youth Protection Manual, cell phones and cameras are not to be used at camp. Any cell phones and cameras will be collected at check-in by camp administration and held in a secure location for the duration of the camp session. Phone calls cannot be made to or from campers unless in an emergency situation.
In lieu of this, an email can be sent to (Please indicate camper's first and last name in subject), which will then be dispersed at mealtimes. Should an emergency arise, the camp director will be accessible during the camp session via phone and email.
Camper Code of Conduct
I will come to camp with an open heart and mind, ready to have fun, learn, and grow in my faith. -I will treat the clergy, my staff members, my fellow campers, and visitors with respect while at All Saints Camp.
I will observe all rules posted and verbally communicated during the camp.
I will fully participate in all camp activities.
I will follow all safety rules, regulations, and instructions, and I will wear appropriate safety equipment, devices, helmets and life jackets as instructed by the camp staff.
I will not bring tobacco, alcohol, drugs (other than those prescribed by a doctor and/or administered by All Saints Camp medical staff), weapons, fire works, or pornographic material to camp, and I will not use them while at camp. I understand that my parents will be notified and that I may be sent home at my parent’s/guardian’s expense if I fail to meet this expectation.
I will wear appropriate clothing while at camp. None of my clothing will exhibit vulgar, suggestive, gang related, or irreligious language or images. None of my clothing will advertise or promote the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, or violence. I will wear clothing that covers my stomach and underwear while at camp. I will dress in a modest fashion while at All Saints Camp. I understand that the dress code will be enforced at the discretion of the camp directors.
I will remain on the campground for the duration of camp unless the camp director has given me permission to leave and camp staff supervises me.
I will use appropriate language and will not curse, use obscene hand gestures, or participate in vulgar conversations. I will not harass or bully any staff members, fellow campers, or visitors in any way.
I will adhere to the policy regarding pranks. I understand that enacting or merely participating in any form of a prank on any camper, staff, or clergy will result in my immediate dismissal from camp.
I will treat the property of others and the camp with respect. I understand that I am responsible to pay for any property I willfully or recklessly damage, destroy, or steal.
I understand that for my safety and the safety of others, camp staff may search my baggage and belongings. I will be present if my items are searched and I will know why the camp has decided to search my belongings.
I will turn in any and all medication I bring to the camp medical staff. I understand that the medical staff will administer all medication to campers as needed or prescribed
I understand that All Saints Camp reserves the right to dismiss me from camp should I be found to be in violation of the Camper Code of Conduct.